
Firm Profile EN
Short profile of BEATOW PARTNERS law firm in English language

Firm Profile SK
Short profile of BEATOW PARTNERS law firm in Slovak language

COVID-19 legislation update SK
Brief overview of legislative changes related with the disease of COVID-19 in Slovak language

Whistleblowing EN
Overview of the obligations of companies – employers arising from the new rules on whistleblowing

Meritas Global Roadmap to Personal Data Protection
Meritas guide explaining data protection laws in major jurisdictions including EU, the United States, China and India.

New Notification Obligations of Employers SK
Brief overview of new notification obligations of employers in Slovak language

New Notification Obligations of Employers EN
Brief overview of new notification obligations of employers in English language

Meritas European Mobility Guide
Meritas guide to key legal issues companies need to know when moving people around Europe

Health care sector update SK
Brief overview of legislative changes in the health care sector in Slovak language

Health care sector update EN
Brief overview of legislative changes in the health care sector in English language

Anti Shell Act SK
The aim is to increase transparency in business relationships entered into by the public-sector entities

Anti Shell Act EN
The aim is to increase transparency in business relationships entered into by the public-sector entities

Protection of IP in China and Hong Kong
Presentation at HKTDC workshop in Slovak language

Data protection update SK
News relating to application of "Safe Harbor" principles in Slovak language

Data protection update EN
News relating to application of "Safe Harbor" principles in English language

Health care sector update
Brief overview of legislative changes in the health care sector

Employment law on a business sale
Meritas guide to employment law on a business sale in EMEA

New Slovak data protection legislation
Brief overview of the new Act No. 122/2013 Coll. on Protection of Personal Data

Venture capital law in Europe
Meritas quick guide to Venture capital law in Europe

Non-compete agreements
Meritas guide to employee non-compete agreements in EMEA

Offshore financial services guide
Overview of financial services in The Bahamas, Bermuda, Cayman Islands, Turks & Caicos Islands, and Panama

2011 Drug Policy Reform in Slovakia
Overview of key changes to the Slovak health care system introduced by the 2011 Drug Policy Reform