New attorney in our law office
Since 22 August 2013 Daniel Straka became attorney-at-law in BEATOW PARTNERS after successfully completing Slovak Bar exams in May 2013. Daniel worked in our office since its establishment in 2010 at a position of a…
Since 22 August 2013 Daniel Straka became attorney-at-law in BEATOW PARTNERS after successfully completing Slovak Bar exams in May 2013. Daniel worked in our office since its establishment in 2010 at a position of a…
Peter is a 1996 graduate from the Faculty of Law of Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovak Republic. During his studies he attended a course on international…
Oliver is a 1999 graduate from the Faculty of Law of Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovak Republic. He was admitted to the Slovak bar as an…
Petra is a 2018 graduate from the Faculty of Law at Comenius University in Bratislava, where she achieved a doctorate in criminal law (PhD.) in 2021…
Diana is a 2020 graduate from a combined program of Law and Economy in the Faculty of Law, Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovak Republic and the Faculty…
Ján is a 2017 graduate from the Faculty of Law of Comenius University in Bratislava, Slovak Republic. Before joining BEATOW PARTNERS s. r. o. he worked as…
Michaela is a 2009 graduate from the Faculty of Law at Comenius University in Bratislava. She was admitted to the Slovak bar as an advocate in…
Petr has more than 25 year of experience in the field of investment incentives and corporate income tax. Petr has managed many successful projects for leading foreign…
Mária joined BEATOW PARTNERS s. r. o. in 2014.
Law Office
Panenská 23, 811 03 Bratislava
Slovak Republic
tel.: +421 2 5273 1235
fax: +421 2 5273 3329
e-mail: info@beatow.com
A company established under Section 15 of the Act No. 586/2003 Coll. on Advocacy, as amended, registered in the Commercial Register of the City Court of Bratislava III in Section Sro, file No. 66108/B, with identification number 36 868 841, VAT Nr.: SK2023065099.